Source code for pykubegrader.widgets.reading_question

from ..widgets_base.reading import ReadingPython

[docs] class ReadingPythonQuestion(ReadingPython): def __init__( self, title="Reading, Commenting, and Interpreting Python Code", question_number=4, key="READING1", options={ # General list of 15 potential comments with only one correct per line "comments_options": [ None, "Initializes a list `numbers` with integers and floats", "Initializes the variable `total` with a value of 0", "A `for` loop that iterates through an iterator `numbers`", "`while` loop that continues to iterate until `total` is less than 9", "Adds and assigns the variable `total` with the value of `num` plus 1", "Statement that ends the `for` loop", "Initializes a dictionary `numbers` with integers and floats", "Initializes the class `total` with a value of 0", "A `for` loop that iterates through an iterator `num`", "`while` loop that continues to iterate until `total` is less than or equal to 9", "Adds the variable `total` with the value of `num` plus 1", "Statement that ends the `while` loop", "`while` loop that continues to iterate while `total` is less than 9", "Initializes a list `numbers` with integers and floats", ], "n_rows": 12, # Number of lines to show "n_required": 8, # Number of rows required to respond # Lines of code that require commenting "lines_to_comment": [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], # Table headers "table_headers": [ "Step", "Line Number", "Variable Changed", "Current Value", "DataType", ], # Variables Changed "variables_changed": ["", "None", "numbers", "num", "total", "if", "else"], "current_values": [ "", "None", "[5, 4.0]", "[5.0, 4.0]", "5.0", "6.0", "5", "6", "4.0", "4", "11.0", "11", "12", "12.0", "0", "0.0", "True", "False", "N/A", ], "datatypes": [ "", "NoneType", "list", "dictionary", "tuple", "set", "string", "float", "integer", "boolean", "N/A", ], }, points=[20, 25], ): super().__init__( title=title, question_number=question_number, options=options, )