Source code for pykubegrader.validate

import base64
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime

import nacl.public
import numpy as np
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

[docs] def validate_logfile( filepath: str, assignment_id: str, question_max_scores: dict[int, int], free_response_questions=0, username="student", password="capture", post_url="http://localhost:8000/upload-score", login_url="http://localhost:8000/login", ) -> None: login_data = { "username": username, "password": password, } with open("server_private_key.bin", "rb") as priv_file: server_private_key_bytes = server_priv_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey(server_private_key_bytes) with open("client_public_key.bin", "rb") as pub_file: client_public_key_bytes = client_pub_key = nacl.public.PublicKey(client_public_key_bytes) box = nacl.public.Box(server_priv_key, client_pub_key) with open(filepath, "r") as logfile: encrypted_lines = logfile.readlines() data_: list[str] = [] for line in encrypted_lines: if "Encrypted Output: " in line: trimmed = line.split("Encrypted Output: ")[1].strip() decoded = base64.b64decode(trimmed) decrypted = box.decrypt(decoded).decode() data_.append(decrypted) # Decoding the log file # data_: list[str] = drexel_jupyter_logger.decode_log_file(self.filepath, key=key) _loginfo = str(data_) # Where possible, we should work with this reduced list of relevant entries data_reduced = [ entry for entry in data_ if re.match(r"info,", entry) or re.match(r"q\d+_\d+,", entry) ] # For debugging; to be commented out with open(".output_reduced.log", "w") as f: f.writelines(f"{item}\n" for item in data_reduced) # Initialize the question scores and max scores question_max_scores = question_max_scores question_scores = {key: 0 for key in question_max_scores} # Parsing the data to find the last entries for required fields # This gets the student name etc. last_entries: dict[str, str | float] = {} for entry in data_reduced: parts = [part.strip() for part in entry.split(",")] if parts[0] == "info" and len(parts) == 4: field_name = parts[1] field_value = parts[2] last_entries[field_name] = field_value # For debugging; to be commented out # print(f"Keys in last_entries dict: {last_entries.keys()}") # Check if the assignment id is in the log file if "assignment" not in last_entries or assignment_id != last_entries["assignment"]: sys.exit( "Your log file is not for the correct assignment. Please submit the correct log file." ) required_student_info = ["drexel_id", "first_name", "last_name", "drexel_email"] for field in required_student_info: if last_entries.get(field) is None: sys.exit( "You must submit your student information before you start the exam. Please submit your information and try again." ) # Initialize code and data lists code: list[str] = [] data: list[str] = [] # Splitting the data into code and responses for entry in data_: # Splitting the data into code and responses if "code run:" in entry: code.append(entry) else: data.append(entry) # Checks to see if the drexel_jupyter_logger is in the code # If it is, the student might have tried to look at the solutions # Commenting this out, since we're switching to asymmetric encryption # flag = any("drexel_jupyter_logger" in item for item in code) # Extracting timestamps and converting them to datetime objects timestamps = [ datetime.strptime(row.split(",")[-1].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for row in data_reduced ] # Getting the earliest and latest times last_entries["start_time"] = min(timestamps).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") last_entries["end_time"] = max(timestamps).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") delta = max(timestamps) - min(timestamps) minutes_rounded = round(delta.total_seconds() / 60, 2) last_entries["elapsed_minutes"] = minutes_rounded # last_entries["flag"] = flag # Collect student info dict student_information = {key.upper(): value for key, value in last_entries.items()} # Write info dict to info.json with open("info.json", "w") as file: print("Writing to info.json") json.dump(student_information, file) def get_last_entry(data: list[str], field_name: str) -> str: for entry in data[::-1]: parts = [part.strip() for part in entry.split(",")] if parts[0] == field_name: return entry return "" def get_entries_len(data: list[str], question_number: int) -> int: """function to get the unique entries by length Args: data (list): list of all the data records question_number (int): question number to evaluate Returns: int: length of the unique entries """ # Set for unique qN_* values unique_qN_values = set() for entry in data: if entry.startswith(f"q{question_number}_"): # Split the string by commas and get the value part parts = [part.strip() for part in entry.split(",")] # The value is the third element after splitting (?) value = parts[0].split("_")[1] unique_qN_values.add(value) return len(unique_qN_values) + 1 # Modified list comprehension to filter as per the criteria free_response = [ entry for entry in data_ if entry.startswith("q") and entry.split("_")[0][1:].isdigit() and int(entry.split("_")[0][1:]) > free_response_questions ] # Initialize a dictionary to hold question entries. q_entries = [] # Iterate over the number of free response questions. for i in range(1, free_response_questions + 1): # Collect entries for each question in a list. entries = [ entry for j in range(1, get_entries_len(data, i)) if (entry := get_last_entry(data, f"q{i}_{j}")) != "" ] # Store the list of entries in the dictionary, keyed by question number. q_entries += entries q_entries += free_response # Parse the data parsed_data: list[list[str]] = [ [part.strip() for part in line.split(",")] for line in q_entries ] unique_question_IDs = set(row[0] for row in parsed_data) # Initialize a dictionary to hold the maximum score for each unique value max_scores = {unique_value: 0 for unique_value in unique_question_IDs} # Loop through each row in the data for score_entry in parsed_data: unique_value = score_entry[0] score = int(score_entry[1]) # possible_score = float(row[3]) # Update the score if it's higher than the current maximum if score > max_scores[unique_value]: max_scores[unique_value] = score # Loop through the max_scores dictionary and sum scores for each question for unique_value, score in max_scores.items(): # Extract question number (assuming it's the number immediately after 'q') question_number = int(unique_value.split("_")[0][1:]) question_scores[question_number] += score # Sorting the dictionary by keys question_max_scores = { key: int(np.round(question_max_scores[key])) for key in sorted(question_max_scores) } # Sorting the dictionary by keys question_scores = { key: int(np.round(question_scores[key])) for key in sorted(question_scores) } # Creating the dictionary structure result_structure: dict[str, list[dict]] = { "tests": [], } # Adding entries for each question for question_number in question_scores.keys(): question_entry = { "name": f"Question {question_number}", "score": question_scores[question_number], "max_score": question_max_scores[question_number], # "visibility": "visible", # "output": "", } result_structure["tests"].append(question_entry) # Write results dict to results.json with open("results.json", "w") as file: print("Writing to results.json") json.dump(result_structure, file, indent=4) verify_login(login_data, login_url) # The file to be uploaded. Ensure the path is correct. file_path = "results.json" # Construct data payload as a dict final_data = { "assignment": assignment_id, "student_email": last_entries.get("drexel_email"), # "original_file_name": file_path, "start_time": last_entries["start_time"], "end_time": last_entries["end_time"], # "flag": last_entries["flag"], # "submission_mechanism": "jupyter_notebook", # "log_file": loginfo, "scores": result_structure["tests"], } # Files to be uploaded. The key should match the name expected by the server. _files = { "file": (file_path, open(file_path, "rb")), } # Make the POST request with data and files response = url=post_url, json=final_data, # files=files, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(login_data["username"], login_data["password"]), ) # Print messages for the user submission_message(response)
# # Helper functions #
[docs] def submission_message(response) -> None: if response.status_code == 200: print("Data successfully uploaded to the server") print(response.text) else: print(f"Failed to upload data. Status code: {response.status_code}") print(response.text) print( "There is something wrong with your log file or your submission. Please contact an instructor for help." ) if os.path.exists("results.json"): # os.remove("results.json") # Let's keep results.json for now, for debugging pass else: print("results.json was not present")
[docs] def verify_login(login_data, login_url): login_response = login_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(login_data["username"], login_data["password"]) ) if login_response.status_code == 200: print("Login successful") else: Exception("Login failed")