Source code for datafed_torchflow.utils
import ast
import inspect
import json
import numpy as np
import torch
from m3util.notebooks.checksum import calculate_notebook_checksum
def is_jsonable(x):
return True
return False
def get_return_variables(func):
# Get the source code of the function
source = inspect.getsource(func)
# Parse the source code into an AST
tree = ast.parse(source)
# Navigate to the function definition in the AST
function_node = next(
node for node in tree.body if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)
# Extract the return statement
return_vars = []
for node in ast.walk(function_node):
if isinstance(node, ast.Return):
# Check if the return value is a tuple or a single value
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Tuple):
return_vars = [ for elt in node.value.elts if isinstance(elt, ast.Name)
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Name):
return_vars = []
return return_vars
def serialize_model(model_block):
Serializes the model architecture into a dictionary format with detailed layer information.
dict: A dictionary containing the model's architecture with layer types,
names, and configurations.
model_info = {}
model_info["layers"] = {}
top_level_count = 0 # Counter for the top-level layers
num_top_level_layers = len(
for layer_name, _ in model_block.named_modules()
if layer_name != ""
pad_length = len(
) # Padding length for top-level numbering
for layer_name, layer in model_block.named_modules():
# Skip the top layer which is the entire model itself
if layer_name != "":
# Split the layer name at the first '.'
parts = layer_name.split(".", 1)
top_level_name = parts[0]
sub_name = parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else None
# Check if this is a new top-level layer (ignoring numbering)
if top_level_name not in [
key.split("-", 1)[1] for key in model_info["layers"].keys()
# Increment the top-level counter
top_level_count += 1
padded_count = str(top_level_count).zfill(pad_length)
# Create a top-level entry with zero-padded numbering
model_info["layers"][f"{padded_count}-{top_level_name}"] = {}
# Reference the top-level dictionary without the number prefix
current_level_key = [
for key in model_info["layers"].keys()
if key.endswith(f"-{top_level_name}")
current_level = model_info["layers"][current_level_key]
# If there is a sub_name (nested), create nested entries
if sub_name:
sub_parts = sub_name.split(".")
for sub in sub_parts[:-1]:
if sub not in current_level:
current_level[sub] = {}
current_level = current_level[sub]
layer_key = sub_parts[-1]
layer_key = top_level_name
# Collect the layer information
layer_descriptor = {
"type": layer.__class__.__name__,
"layer_name": layer_name,
"config": {},
# Automatically collect layer parameters
for param, value in layer.__dict__.items():
# Filter out unnecessary attributes
if not param.startswith("_") and not callable(value):
layer_descriptor["config"][param] = value
# Add the layer descriptor under the correct key
current_level[layer_key] = layer_descriptor
return model_info
def serialize_pytorch_optimizer(optimizer):
Serializes the optimizer's state dictionary, converting tensors to lists for JSON compatibility.
dict: A dictionary containing the optimizer's serialized parameters.
state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
state_dict_serializable = {}
for key, value in state_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
state_dict_serializable[key] = value.tolist()
elif isinstance(value, list):
# Convert tensors within lists to lists
state_dict_serializable[key] = [
v.tolist() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for v in value
state_dict_serializable[key] = value
return state_dict_serializable["param_groups"][0]