Source code for datafed_torchflow.pytorch

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import DataLoader


import getpass
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import traceback
import types

import numpy as np
from datafed.CommandLib import API
from m3util.globus.globus import check_globus_file_access
from m3util.util.IO import find_files_recursive, make_folder
from tqdm import tqdm

from import get_system_info
from datafed_torchflow.datafed import DataFed
from datafed_torchflow.utils import (

# TODO: Add data and dataloader derivative.
# TODO: Add number of FLOPS to metadata

[docs] class TorchLogger: """ TorchLogger is a class designed to log PyTorch model training details, including model architecture, optimizer state, and system information. It also integrates with the DataFed API for file and metadata management. Attributes: model_dict (dict): a dictionary containing the Pytorch model architecture to be logged, with the name of the block as the key and the block as the value. For example: {"vae":vae, "encoder: encoder, "decoder":decoder,"optimizer":optimizer} DataFed_path (str): The path to the DataFed configuration or API. script_path (str): Path to the script or notebook for checksum calculation. local_model_path (str): Local directory to store model files. input_data_shape (tuple): Shape of the input training data for the model. logging (bool): Whether to display logging output. """ def __init__( self, model_dict, DataFed_path, script_path=None, local_model_path="/.", log_file_path="log.txt", input_data_shape=None, dataset_id_or_path=None, logging=False, download_kwargs={"wait": True, "orig_fname": True}, ): """ Initializes the TorchLogger class. Args: model_dict (dict): a dictionary containing the Pytorch model architecture to be logged, with the name of the block as the key and the block as the value. For example: {"vae":vae, "encoder: encoder, "decoder":decoder,"optimizer":optimizer} DataFed_path (str): Path to the DataFed configuration or API. script_path (str, optional): Path to the script or notebook. Default is None. local_model_path (str, optional): Local directory to store model files. Default is './'. log_file_path (str, optional): Local file to store a log of the code evaluation. Default is 'log.txt' input_data (numpy.ndarray, default=None): Input data for training the model. dataset_id (str, default=None): DataFed ID for the input dataset for the model logging (bool, optional): Flag for logging output. Default is False. optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer, optional): The optimizer used for training. Default is None. """ self.current_checkpoint_id = None self.notebook_record_id = None self.__file__ = script_path self.model_dict = model_dict if "optimizer" in model_dict.keys(): self.optimizer = self.model_dict["optimizer"] self.DataFed_path = DataFed_path self.local_model_path = local_model_path self.log_file_path = log_file_path self.dataset_id_or_path = dataset_id_or_path self.download_kwargs = download_kwargs self.logging = logging self.input_data_shape = input_data_shape make_folder(self.local_model_path) self.df_api = DataFed( self.DataFed_path, self.local_model_path, log_file_path=self.log_file_path, dataset_id_or_path=self.dataset_id_or_path, download_kwargs=self.download_kwargs, logging=True, ) # Check if Globus has access to the local path check_globus_file_access( self.df_api.endpointDefaultGet(), self.local_model_path ) # Save the notebook to DataFed self.save_notebook()
[docs] def reset(self): self.current_checkpoint_id = None
@property def optimizer(self): """ Returns the optimizer used for training. Returns: torch.optim.Optimizer: The optimizer instance. """ return self._optimizer @optimizer.setter def optimizer(self, optimizer): """ Sets the optimizer used for training. Args: optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): The optimizer to be set. """ self._optimizer = optimizer
[docs] def getMetadata(self, local_vars=None, model_hyperparameters=None, **kwargs): """ Gathers metadata including the serialized model, optimizer, system info, and user details. Args: local_vars (list): a list containing the local variables for the model training code, from list(locals().items()). Used to determine the metadata **kwargs: Additional key-value pairs to be added to the metadata. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the metadata including model, optimizer, system information, user, timestamp, and optional script checksum. """ # get the model architecture names model_architecture_names = list(self.model_dict.keys()) # get the user information and timestamp current_user, current_time = self.getUserClock() # get the computer information computer_info = get_system_info() # combine metadata with user and timestamp # define the empty metadata dictionary to set the structure DataFed_record_metadata = { "Model Parameters": {"Model Hyperparameters": {}, "Model Architecture": {}}, "System Information": {}, } # loop through the local variables to add to the metadata dictionary for key, value in local_vars: # exclude modules and other undesired local variables. Use casefold string matching for flexibility if ( not key.startswith("_") and key.casefold() not in [ "checkpoint", "self", "local_vars", "model_dict", "model_hyperparameters", "i", "image", "key", "value", ] and "datafed" not in key.casefold() and "globus" not in key.casefold() and "data".casefold() not in str(type(value)).casefold() and "dataloader".casefold() not in str(type(value)).casefold() and ( not (callable(value) and key not in model_architecture_names) or not ( callable(value) and key not in ["optimizer", "optim", "optim_", "optimizer_"] ) ) and type(value) not in [ type, types.ModuleType, types.FunctionType, API, DataLoader, types.NoneType, types.MethodType, ] ): # put the model architecture into the Model Architecture sub-dictionary if key in model_architecture_names: # serialize the optimizer if not isinstance(value, str) and key.casefold() in [ "optimizer", "optim", "optim_", "optimizer_", ]: # accept "optimizer" or "optim" for flexibility DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][ "Model Architecture" ][key] = serialize_pytorch_optimizer(value) else: # serialize the model architecture blocks (encoder, decoder, etc. ) DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][ "Model Architecture" ][key] = serialize_model(value) DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][ "Model Architecture" ][key].update(extract_instance_attributes(obj=value)) # serialize the optimizer if not in model_dict elif not isinstance(value, str) and key.casefold() in [ "optimizer", "optim", "optim_", "optimizer_", ]: # accept "optimizer" or "optim" for flexibility DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"]["Model Architecture"][ key ] = serialize_pytorch_optimizer(value) # extract lists if they are not too long (arbitrarily chose to be less than 1000 characters) elif isinstance(value, list): # ignore long lists if sum(len(str(s)) for s in value) < 1000: # extract the value for 1 item lists if len(value) == 1: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = value[0] else: # if the list has many (but not too many values) extract the whole list DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = value else: warning_message = ( f'List in key "{key}" is too long to be extracted' ) Warning(warning_message) # put the model hyperparameters in the Model Hyperparameters sub-dictionary (the hyperparameters might be 1-value torch tensors or just floats) elif key in model_hyperparameters.keys(): if type(value) in [np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: if value.shape < self.input_data_shape: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][ "Model Hyperparameters" ][key] = value.tolist() else: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][ "Model Hyperparameters" ][key] = value # convert numpy arrays and torch tensors that are small enough (arbitrarily chosen to be smaller than the input data dimensions) # into lists so they can be serialized into JSON elif type(value) in [np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: if value.shape < self.input_data_shape: # put other lists into the Model Parameters dictionary try: json.dumps(value.tolist()) DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = ( value.tolist() ) except: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = str( value.tolist() ) # convert PosixPaths and pytorch devices into strings so they can be serialized into JSON elif type(value) in [pathlib.PosixPath, torch.device]: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = str(value) # convert class instances into dictionaries of their attributes so they can be serialized into JSON elif hasattr(value, "__dict__"): if len(extract_instance_attributes(obj=value)) > 0: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = ( extract_instance_attributes(obj=value) ) elif isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) > 0: if "_" not in str(type(value[list(value.keys())[0]])): try: json.dumps(value) DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = value except (TypeError, ValueError, json.JSONDecodeError): DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = str( value ) # all other cases, everything should be serializable (string, float, etc.) else: # everything should be JSON serializable at this point, but try to convert to string and then skip if not try: json.dumps(value) DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = value except (TypeError, ValueError, json.JSONDecodeError): try: DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"][key] = str( value ) except (TypeError, ValueError, json.JSONDecodeError): if self.logging: tb = traceback.format_exc() with open(self.log_file_path, "a") as f: timestamp = ( .astimezone() .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) f.write( f"\n {timestamp} - Could not convert {key} to JSON. {key} has type {type(key)}" ) f.write( f"the corresponding value has type {type(value)} and value \n {value}" ) f.write(f"Python error message {tb}") f.write("skipping this variable.") # add the notebook checksum and file path to the Model Parameters dictionary DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"].update( getNotebookMetadata(self.__file__) ) # add the user and timestamp to the Model Parameters dictionary DataFed_record_metadata["Model Parameters"].update( {"user": current_user, "timestamp": current_time} ) # add the computer information to the System Information section DataFed_record_metadata["System Information"] = computer_info # return the metadata return DataFed_record_metadata
[docs] def getModelArchitectureStateDict(self): """ generates a dictionary where the key is the model architecture block and the value is the corresponding state dictionary to go in the saved checkpoint, for example Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the model architecture state dictionaries """ model_architecture = {} for block in self.model_dict.keys(): model_architecture[block] = self.model_dict[block].state_dict() return model_architecture
[docs] def getUserClock(self): """ Gathers system information including CPU, memory, and GPU details. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing system information. """ # Get the current user current_user = getpass.getuser() # Get the current time current_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return current_user, current_time
[docs] def save_notebook(self): """ Saves the Jupyter notebook that runs the code training the model """ # don't upload the notebook to DataFed if it is already there. # first, check if the notebook filename is actually its DataFed ID, in which case it already exists in DataFed # first, make sure the notebook file is given (not None), otherwise there is no notebook specified to upload # so just don't upload a notebook but proceed to saving the checkpoints as usual if self.__file__ is not None: # check whether the notebook file name is a DataFed ID if self.__file__.startswith("d/"): self.notebook_record_id = self.__file__ # if the notebook filename is not a DataFed ID, check if a notebook of the same name exists at the DataFed file path else: try: # this will fail if it doesn't find a match, meaning that the notebook does not already exists on DataFed self.notebook_record_id = ( self.df_api.get_notebook_DataFed_ID_from_path_and_title( self.__file__ ) ) except Exception: # the notebook is not already in DataFed, so upload it # output to user old_checksum = "" if self.logging: with open(self.log_file_path, "a") as f: timestamp = ( .astimezone() .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) f.write( f"\n {timestamp} - Uploading notebook {self.__file__} to DataFed..." ) # generate a checksum (and scipt path) for the notebook self.notebook_metadata = getNotebookMetadata(self.__file__) # extract the checksum new_checksum = self.notebook_metadata["script"]["checksum"] # if the notebook has a DataFed record ID, extract the checksum and compare to the new checksum if self.notebook_record_id is not None: notebook_DataFed_metadata = json.loads( self.df_api.dataView(self.notebook_record_id)[0].data[0].metadata ) old_checksum = notebook_DataFed_metadata["script"]["checksum"] if new_checksum != old_checksum: # do the uploading if self.logging: with open(self.log_file_path, "a") as f: timestamp = ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) f.write( f"\n {timestamp} - Uploading notebook {self.__file__} to DataFed..." ) current_user, current_time = self.getUserClock() self.notebook_metadata = self.notebook_metadata | { "user": current_user, "timestamp": current_time, } # store the dataset Datafed ID in self.dataset_id. Upload the dataset to DataFed if necessary self.dataset_id = self.df_api.upload_dataset_to_DataFed() self.notebook_record_resp = self.df_api.data_record_create( metadata=self.notebook_metadata, record_title=self.__file__.split("/")[-1], # .split(".")[0], deps=self.df_api.addDerivedFrom(self.dataset_id), ) self.df_api.upload_file( self.notebook_record_resp[0].data[0].id, self.__file__ ) self.notebook_record_id = self.notebook_record_resp[0].data[0].id
[docs] def save( self, record_file_name, datafed=True, local_file_path=None, local_vars=None, model_hyperparameters=None, **kwargs, ): """ Saves the model's state dictionary locally unless one has already been saved and optionally uploads it to DataFed along with the model's metadata. If you want to upload multiple files to the same DataFed data record you can zip them together and pass in the local path to the zip file as "local_file_path". Args: record_file_name (str): The name of the file to save the model locally. datafed (bool, optional): If True, the record is uploaded to DataFed. Default is True. local_file_path (str or Path.PosixPath, optional): The local file path to the directory to save the weights or to the presaved file to upload to DataFed. local_vars (list): a list containing the local variables for the model training code, from list(locals().items()). Used to determine the metadata model_hyperparameters (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the model hyperparameters names and the values are the model hyperparameter names. Used in the saved checkpoint. **kwargs: Additional metadata or attributes to include in the record. """ # include the model architecture state dictionary and model hyperparameters in the checkpoint if not str(local_file_path).endswith(".zip") and not os.path.exists( str(local_file_path) ): checkpoint = self.getModelArchitectureStateDict() | model_hyperparameters # Save the model state dict locally, local_file_path) if datafed: # Safely retrieve values and replace with None if undefined or not present notebook_record_id = ( self.notebook_record_id if self.notebook_record_id and len(self.notebook_record_id) > 0 else None ) # Saves the record id to the object self.notebook_record_id = notebook_record_id current_checkpoint_id = ( self.current_checkpoint_id if self.current_checkpoint_id is not None else None ) self.dataset_id = self.df_api.upload_dataset_to_DataFed() # Create a list of IDs, excluding any that are None if isinstance(self.dataset_id, str): ids_to_add = [ id for id in [ notebook_record_id, current_checkpoint_id, self.dataset_id, ] if id is not None ] elif isinstance(self.dataset_id, list): ids_to_add = [ id for id in [notebook_record_id, current_checkpoint_id] if id is not None ] for id in self.dataset_id: if self.dataset_id is not None: ids_to_add.append(id) else: # self.dataset_id is None: ids_to_add = [ id for id in [notebook_record_id, current_checkpoint_id] if id is not None ] # Call the API method with the valid IDs (if any) if ids_to_add: deps = self.df_api.addDerivedFrom(ids_to_add) else: deps = None # If no valid IDs are present, set deps to None # if isinstance(deps, list): # deps = functools.reduce(operator.iconcat, deps, []) #[item for sublist in deps for item in sublist] # Generate metadata and create a data record in DataFed metadata = self.getMetadata( local_vars=local_vars, model_hyperparameters=model_hyperparameters, **kwargs, ) dc_resp = self.df_api.data_record_create( metadata, record_title=str(record_file_name), local_model_path=self.local_model_path, # weights_file_path = weights_file_path, # embedding_file_path = embedding_file_path, # reconstruction_file_path = reconstruction_file_path, deps=deps, ) # Upload the saved model to DataFed self.df_api.upload_file(dc_resp[0].data[0].id, str(local_file_path)) self.current_checkpoint_id = dc_resp[0].data[0].id
[docs] class InferenceEvaluation: def __init__( self, dataframe, dataset, df_api, root_directory=None, save_directory="./tmp/", skip=None, **Kwargs, ): self.df = dataframe self.dataset_id = dataset self.root_directory = root_directory self.save_directory = save_directory self.df_api = df_api self.skip = skip self.model = self.build_model(**Kwargs) # Create a logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)
[docs] def file_not_found(self, filename, row): self.logger.warning( "{filename} was not found from DataFed using record id {}" ) print( f"Attempting to download {filename} from DataFed using record id {}" ) ds_rep = self.df_api.dataGet(, self.save_directory, wait=True) if ds_rep[0].task[0].status == 3: # Download was successful"{filename} was downloaded successfully") # finds the downloaded file recursively file_path = find_files_recursive(self.root_directory, filename) return file_path else: # Download was not successful self.logger.error(f"{filename} could not be downloaded") # returns a None object return None return ds_rep
def _getFileName(self, row): return self.df_api.getFileName(
[docs] @staticmethod def get_first_entry_if_list(data): if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0: return data[0] # Return the first entry if it's a non-empty list else: return data
[docs] def run_inference(self, row): # retrive the filename from the API datarecords filename = self._getFileName(row) # checks if the file can be found in the root directory file_path = find_files_recursive(self.root_directory, filename) if len(file_path) == 0: # if the file is not found, attempt to download it from DataFed file_path = self.file_not_found(filename, row) file_path = self.get_first_entry_if_list(file_path) if file_path is None: f"{filename} could not be downloaded, skipping inference." ) print(f"{filename} could not be downloaded, skipping inference.") return None # load the model self.model.load(file_path[0]) return self.evaluate(row, file_path)
[docs] def build_model(self): """ Builds and returns the model to be used for inference. This method should be implemented by the child class to define the specific model architecture and any necessary configurations. Returns: torch.nn.Module: The model object to be used for inference. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Child class must implement this method. This method should return a model object." )
[docs] def evaluate(self, row, file_path): """ Evaluates the model on the given data. This method should be implemented by the child class. The parent class does not implement this method. Args: row (pd.Series): A row from the dataframe containing metadata and other information. file_path (str): The path to the file to be used for evaluation. Returns: dict: The evaluation results as a dictionary. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Child class must implement this method. This method should return evaluation results as a dictionary." )
[docs] def run(self): for i, row in tqdm(self.df.iterrows(), total=self.df.shape[0]): # set to restart and skip if self.skip is not None and i <= self.skip: continue # runs the inference msg = self.run_inference(row) # if file cannot be found, skip inference if msg is None: continue # updates the metadata of the record self.df_api.dataUpdate(, metadata=json.dumps(msg)) # logs the success of the inference"Inference for {i} record {} was successful")
[docs] class TorchViewer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, DataFed_path, **kwargs): self.DataFed_path = DataFed_path self.df_api = DataFed(self.DataFed_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def getModelCheckpoints( self, exclude_metadata="computing", excluded_keys="script", non_unique=["id", "timestamp", "total_time"], format="pandas", ): """ Retrieves the metadata record for a specified record ID. Args: record_id (str): The ID of the record to retrieve. exclude_metadata (str, list, or None, optional): Metadata fields to exclude from the extraction record. excluded_keys (str, list, or None, optional): Keys if the metadata record contains to exclude. non_unique (str, list, or None, optional): Keys which are expected to be unique independent of record uniqueness - these are not considered when finding unique records. format (str, optional): The format to return the metadata in. Defaults to "pandas". Returns: dict: The metadata record. """ return self.df_api.get_metadata( exclude_metadata=exclude_metadata, excluded_keys=excluded_keys, non_unique=non_unique, format=format, )