Source code for

import json
import platform

import GPUtil
import pkg_resources
import psutil

[docs] def get_system_info(): """ Extracts CPU, memory, GPU, and Python environment details. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing CPU, memory, GPU, and Python details. """ system_info = { "cpu": get_cpu_info(), "memory": get_memory_info(), "gpu": get_gpu_info(), "python": get_python_info(), } return system_info
[docs] def get_cpu_info(): """ Retrieves CPU information. Returns: dict: CPU details including physical cores, total cores, frequency, and usage. """ return { "physical_cores": psutil.cpu_count(logical=False), "total_cores": psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), "cpu_frequency": { "current": psutil.cpu_freq().current, "min": psutil.cpu_freq().min, "max": psutil.cpu_freq().max, }, "cpu_usage_per_core": psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True), "total_cpu_usage": psutil.cpu_percent(), }
[docs] def get_memory_info(): """ Retrieves memory information. Returns: dict: Memory details including total, available, used, and percentage used. """ mem = psutil.virtual_memory() return { "total": f"{ / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB", "available": f"{mem.available / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB", "used": f"{mem.used / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB", "percent": mem.percent, }
[docs] def get_gpu_info(): """ Retrieves GPU information using GPUtil. Returns: dict: GPU details such as model, memory, and load. """ try: gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs() gpu_info = [] for gpu in gpus: gpu_info.append( { "id":, "name":, "driver_version": gpu.driver, "memory_total": f"{gpu.memoryTotal:.2f} MB", "memory_used": f"{gpu.memoryUsed:.2f} MB", "memory_free": f"{gpu.memoryFree:.2f} MB", "load": f"{gpu.load * 100:.2f}%", "temperature": f"{gpu.temperature} °C", } ) return gpu_info if gpu_info else "No GPUs detected" except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)}
[docs] def get_python_info(): """ Retrieves Python environment details, including version and installed packages. Returns: dict: Python details including version, implementation, and installed packages. """ packages = {} installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_set for package in installed_packages: packages[package.key] = package.version return { "python_version": platform.python_version(), "python_implementation": platform.python_implementation(), "python_build": platform.python_build(), "packages": packages, }
[docs] def save_to_json(data, filename="system_info.json"): """ Saves the given data to a JSON file. Args: data (dict): The data to be saved. filename (str): The filename for the JSON file. """ with open(filename, "w") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)